Privacy Policy Statement

The Privacy policy and implementation guidelines for the Zippy website has been completed. You do not need to disclose your identity or provide personal information to access information on ZIPPY's products on the website. ZIPPY provides this "Online Privacy Statement" to inform you of ZIPPY's privacy policy and implementation measures, as well as to let you know what information is collected and used. In order for every user to easily find this statement at any time, we have placed it on the homepage and related web pages of the ZIPPY headquarters website.

Scope of Application

The privacy statement does not apply to companies other than ZIPPY, nor does it apply to individuals who are not employed or managed by ZIPPY. The links to third party websites provided on the website are solely for your convenience. When you click on one of these links, you are being transferred to a website operated by someone other than ZIPPY. ZIPPY does not have control over these third party websites and is not responsible for the content or privacy policies of these websites.

Data Collection

ZIPPY complies with the regulations of the Personal Information Protection Act of the Republic of China (Taiwan) regarding the collection of user personal data. Without permission from the competent authority and the consent of the visitors, ZIPPY will not collect user personal data through computers. On certain ZIPPY web pages, you can make requests and sign-up for an online service. The types of personal data collected on these web pages include: names, contact person, personal and company contact information, etc. In order to tailor communications with you and continuously improve our products and services, we may also ask you to provide information about personal or professional interests, demographics, experiences with our products, and preferred contact methods. Some ZIPPY web pages may use cookies, which are a data analysis technology. For more information about cookies, please refer to The Use of Cookies.


ZIPPY ensures the security of your personal data. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure of personal data, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have implemented appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to protect the data collected online. When collecting or transmitting sensitive data, we use encryption.

Access Rights

Access to specific areas of the ZIPPY website is limited to visitors who provide personal identification information and use passwords. To protect your privacy and security, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before allowing you to access or modify data. ZIPPY will make efforts to maintain the accuracy of your personal data.

How We Use Your Data

The ZIPPY server will automatically record the web pages users have visited and the domain names of our visitors, as a basis for content and system improvement, as well as evaluating advertising effectiveness. This information is used solely for statistical analysis and does not involve reader personal identity information, only for internal reference. We may also conduct market research from time to time to provide you with product or industry information that interests you, but you can choose to receive or not receive this information.

Sharing Data with Third Parties

ZIPPY will not sell or rent your personal data to others. Unless with your permission or legal requirements, we will not provide the personal data you provide online to any organization or individual. ZIPPY and its business partners, including those in the Republic of China (Taiwan) and other countries, are bound by our privacy statement regarding the use of this data. If we need to provide your data to a third party that does not represent ZIPPY and is not bound by our privacy policy, we will always seek your consent first. For example, if ZIPPY allows you to conduct online transactions directly through us or our distributors as part of the choices we offer. When you choose our distributor, we will notify you that your registration information and shopping cart have been transmitted to the distributor you selected. This statement is crucial because when you choose to conduct online transactions through our distributors, the use of your registration information and shopping cart by the distributor is subject to their privacy statement. In case of conflict with local laws and policies in the Republic of China (Taiwan), local laws and policies will take precedence.

Legal Disclaimer

This website's information is provided without any warranties from the outset. This includes no warranties of usability, specific purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property. Furthermore, ZIPPY does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information provided on the website. ZIPPY may change the information on this website or the products described therein at any time without prior notice. The products and services described on this website may not necessarily be available in your country. For information about products and services offered by ZIPPY, please contact your local ZIPPY office. Due to the possibility that local laws may prohibit the exclusion of "implied warranties," the above exclusion terms may not apply to you.

The Use of Cookies

A cookie is a text file that requests permission and is placed on your computer's hard drive. If you agree, your browser will add this text to a small file. The purpose of cookies is to assist us in analyzing web traffic or to let us know when you have visited specific websites. It allows web applications to respond to you as an individual by collecting and remembering information about your interests.

ZIPPY uses cookies to identify which web pages are in use and which are not. This helps us collect and analyze data on web traffic and improve the content of the ZIPPY website to better meet customer needs. ZIPPY will only use this information for statistical analysis purposes. This is a common practice for many websites. Rejecting cookies will not prevent you from using these websites.

Overall, cookies can help us monitor events that occur and do not occur through web traffic analysis, and further assist us in providing you with a better website experience. ZIPPY wants you to understand that accepting cookies does not allow us to access your computer or any personal information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.

Many people are concerned about cookies, but we and many customers believe that the benefits obtained from using cookies appropriately are worthwhile. We value our relationship with customers, so we respect these concerns. You can set your web browser to notify you of requests for cookie installation or to completely reject cookie installation. You can delete files containing cookies, which are stored as part of your internet browser.

Self-Protection Measures

Please safeguard your password and any personal information, and do not provide any personal information, especially passwords, to anyone. After completing data access procedures, always remember to log out of your account. If you share a computer with others or use a public computer, be sure to close the browser window to prevent others from accessing your personal information or using it fraudulently.


If you have any comments or questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to Contact Us for further contact. Thank you!